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作者:郭晓菲 日期:2010-09-21

Eric Fong教授

 Eric Fong教授





 2010年9月21日,多伦多大学社会学教授Eric Fong(方伟晶) 博士应邀访问中国社科院民族所,并以“全球化背景下的北美华人民族经济”为题在三楼会议室举行了一个专题讲座。中国社会科学院研究员、国际企业人类学委员会主席张继焦博士主持了讲座。

 Dr. Eric Fong from U. of T. lectured in IEA at CASS
On September 21th 2011, invited by the IEA at CASS, Dr. Eric Fong, Professor of Sociology, University of Toronto (U of T) had a lecture in IEA titled “Ethnic Chinese Businesses in Toronto”. He analyzed the locational patterns of small and large Chinese Businesses in Toronto, how globalization impacts on the development of Chinese businesses, specifically the unprecedented changes in Chinese ethnic business due to the process of globalization. This roundtable was organized by Professor Zhang Jijiao of CASS. Professor Du Fachun, Ding Sai, Zhang Xiaomin, Wan Hong and other colleagues from CASS attended this exchange meeting.

Professor Eric Fong received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago in 1993, he has published extensively in the areas of racial/ethnic residential patterns and ethnic businesses. He is the current President of the North American Chinese Sociologist Association and is the board member of the Research Committee on Sociology of Migration of the International Sociological Association. Eric’s research interests including racial and ethnic residential patterns in multiethnic cities, ethnic businesses, and Immigrant adaptation in the new economy.

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