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加拿大人类学联合会前任主席Ellen R. Judd教授在我所举办学术讲座
作者:张小敏 日期:2013-12-23

Ellen 教授讲座中

Ellen 教授讲座中


王所长与ellen 交流

王所长与Ellen 交流








民族所门口与Ellen 教授合影

与会人员与Ellen 教授合影


2013年12月17日下午3点,加拿大人类学联合会前任主席、加拿大曼尼托巴大学人类学系Ellen R. Judd教授在中国社会科学院民族所做了题为“从家庭策略到中国的医疗及社会保障: 中加比较视角(From Family Strategies to Health and Social Security in China and in Comparative Perspective)”的精彩学术讲座。

Ellen教授这次的讲座议题来自于她于200 3年至今十年期间,在人口流出地重庆、四川及流入地沿海地区,对农村到城市的流动人口家庭所做的调研。她关注的是大规模外出打工的乡-城移民给农村留守人口带来的影响。她研究问题是,农村居民对经济转变和人口流动带来的新的变化是如何反应的?政策是如何影响和采取有效应对政策的?Ellen教授研究中关注减轻农村经济负担的政策措施(如各种农业和农村的补贴)、农民流动和连续性的家庭策略以及新型农村合作医疗政策,分析了新农合对减轻农村户籍人口经济压力和健康的不同影响。在对健康的研究中,她对陪护和陪护者(care-giving and care-giver)进行了分析,肯定了中年妇女对农村家庭中孩子、病人、老人的看护者角色,指出她们也是需要被关心的一个群体。



讲座最后,王延中所长会见了Ellen 教授,欢迎她到民族所进行学术交流。王所长向Ellen 教授介绍了民族学与人类学所今年启动、将持续四年的民族地区经济社会综合调查项目的情况,介绍了民族所研究室调整情况;他还从金利卡教授倡导的加拿大多元文化主义话题,谈到中加两国的共性与不同的历史背景,并就所里《民族研究》期刊英文名称,同Ellen教授进行了探讨。


Prof•Ellen Judd简介



加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学人类学Ph.D., 1981.



北京语言学院,现代汉语, 1975.


女王大学社会学学士, Sociology, 1972.



1980年代起,研究中国北方及西南农村移民和农民工,女性,社会保障和医疗保障。2007年,和四川大学合作capacity building to respond to HIV/AIDS in west China.



• Zhu Ailan [Ellen R. Judd] (2008) Licun yu bu licun: Faxian yu sikao, Guangxi Minzu Daxue Xuebao, 2008 (2), 35-40

• Ellen R. Judd (2008) 'Families We Create': Women's Kinship in Rural China as Spatialized Practice in, Chinese Kinship: Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives, ed. S. Brandtstadter and G. Santos, London and New York, Routledge, 29-47 pages (bookchapter)

• Ellen R. Judd (2007) No Change for Thirty Years: The Renewed Question of Women's Land Rights in Rural China, Development and Change, 38 (4), 691-712

• Ellen R. Judd, ed. (2006) War and Peace, special issue of Anthropologica 48(1)

• Zhu Ailan [Ellen Judd], Zhongguo beifang cunluo de shehui xingbie yu quanli, Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin chubanshe, 2004

• Ellen R. Judd, Women on the Move: Women's Kinship, Residence and Networks in Rural Shandong, Gender in Motion, 2004

• Ellen R. Judd, The Chinese Women's Movement between State and Market. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 01 Jan 2002

• Marilyn Porter and Ellen Judd, eds, Feminists Doing Development: A Practical Critique. London: Zed, 2000

• Ellen R. Judd, Rural Women and Economic Development in Reform Era China: The Strategy of the Official Women's Movement, Feminist Fields: Ethnographic Insights, 264-281, 1999

• Ellen R. Judd, ed, Rural Women in Reform Era China, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, 31(2), 1999

• Ellen R. Judd, Reconsidering China's Marriage Law Campaign: Toward a De-orientalized Feminist Perspective, Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 4(2), 8-26, 1998

• Ellen R. Judd, Gender Analyst/WID Specialist Site Report, CIDA China Canada Lean Swine Project, December 1997

• Ellen R. Judd, Gender and Capital Accumulation in Chinese Village Enterprises, Culture and Economy: The Shaping of Capitalism in East Asia, 207-234, 1997

• Ellen R. Judd, Ritual Opera and the Bonds of Authority: Transformation and Transcendence, Harmony and Counterpoint: Ritual Music in Chinese Cultural Context, 226-246, 1996

• Ellen R. Judd, Dramatic Conflict: Between State and Market in the Cultural Production of Theatre in Rural China, Culture, 16(2), 65-84, 1996

• Ellen R. Judd, Feminism from Afar or To China and Home Again, Ethnographic Feminism(s): Essays in Anthropology, 37-51, 1995

• Ellen R. Judd, Ghi Chep Ve Su Dong Gop Cua Phu Nu Su Phat Trien Cong Nghiep Nong Thon O Trung Quoc Thoi Cai Cach, Ky Yeu Hoi Thao, 125-148, 1995

• Judd, Ellen R, Gender and Power in Rural North China. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994

• Ellen R. Judd, Mulian Saves His Mother in 1989, History, Memory and Opposition under State Socialism, 105-126, 1994

• Ellen R. Judd, WID/GAD Strategy: Initial Phase, CIDA China Canada Lean Swine Project, 1994

• Ellen R. Judd, Gender Analysis Baseline Report, CIDA China Canada Lean Swine Project, 1993

• Zhu Ailan [Ellen Judd], Niangjia: Zhongguo funu he tamen de jiating, Minsu yanjiu, 16-20, 1993

• Ellen R. Judd, Land United, Land Divided, China Quarterly, 338-356, 1992

• Ellen R. Judd, Dramas of Passion: Heroism in the Cultural Revolution's Model Operas, New Perspectives on the Cultural Revolution, 265-282, 1991

• Ellen R. Judd, Alternative Development Strategies for Women in Rural China, Development and Change, 21(1), 23-42, 1990

• Ellen R. Judd, Cultural Articulation in the Chinese Countryside, 1937-1947, Modern China, 16(3), 269-308, 1990

• Ellen R. Judd, 'Men Are More Able': Rural Chinese Women's Conceptions of Gender and Agency, Pacific Affairs, 63(1), 40-61, 1990

• Zhu Ailan [Ellen Judd], Xiqu xiandaihua de dadan changshi, Xiju, 96-102, 1990

• Ellen R. Judd, Niangjia: Chinese Women and their Natal Families, Journal of Asian Studies, 48(3), 525-544, 1989

• Ellen R. Judd, The Modernization of Chinese Opera: A Comment on Wei Minglun's Pan Jinlian, Haishi Zou Hao: Chinese Poetry, Drama and Literature of the 1980s, 89-112, 1989

• Ellen R. Judd, Prescriptive Dramatic Theory of the Cultural Revolution, Drama in the People's Republic of China, 94-118, 1987

• Ellen R. Judd, Key Issues Regarding the Socio-economic Situation of Women in China, background paper prepared for the CIDA Project Definition Mission, Assistance to Local Women in Development Initiatives, China, 1987

• Ellen R. Judd, Cultural Redefinition in Yan'an China, Ethnos, 51(1-2), 29-51, 1986

• Ellen R. Judd, Prelude to the Yan'an Talks: Problems in Transforming a Literary Intelligentsia, Modern China, 11(3), 377-408, 1985

• Ellen R. Judd, Weeds?, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 15(1), 26-35, 1983

• Ellen R. Judd, Revolutionary Drama and Song in the Jiangxi Soviet, Modern China, 9(1), 127-160, 1983

• Ellen R. Judd, China's Amateur Drama: The Movement to Popularize the Revolutionary Model Operas, Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 15(1), 26-35, 1983

• Ellen R. Judd, Political Theatre and Development in China, Tradition for Development: Indigenous Structures and Folk Media in Non-formal Education, 370-414, 1982

• Ellen R. Judd, New Yangge: The Case of 'A Worthy Sister-in-law', Chinoperl Papers, 10, 167-186, 1981


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