Academic News
Academic News
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- Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics, 2012 [2012-07-11]
- 亲属关系和社会保障 [2012-06-29]
- 早期印度巴利佛教的形而上学讲座 [2012-06-20]
- 民族史论坛:部落·部落化·部落管理 [2012-06-15]
- Dr. Thomas Svensson, Program Manager of Swedish Internati... [2011-08-30]
- UBC Dr. Elena Caprioni presented FDI Research in CASS/IEA [2011-05-24]
- WU Yin meets with York University Delegation [2011-05-17]
- Canadian Ambassador David Mulroney Visited the CASS/IEA [2011-05-03]
- A Group of University of Regina Visited to Beijing, Dr. J... [2011-05-03]
- Three articles on Canadian Aboriginal Studies by China So... [2011-04-21]
- 青藏高原环境问题的多学科研究 [2011-02-26]
- 加拿大的商业文化 [2010-10-19]
- 全球化背景下的北美华人民族经济 [2010-09-21]
- 人类学论坛第二十三次讲座:2008年后的中国西藏和海外藏人 [2010-09-21]
- Dr. Eric Fong from U. of T. lectured in IEA at CASS [2010-09-21]