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Author:Fang Sumei Date:2010-02-18
【Title】 Official Document about the Huibu and the Huis Participation in Political Affair in the Early Public China
【Author】 Fang Sumei;
【Journal Title】  Ethno-National Studies, 2010.01
【Key word】 Official Document about the Huibu; Hui; the nationality; political rights and benefit; participation in political affair;
【Abstrac】 Official Document about the Huibu (回部公牍),is a collection of the documents written by some of the Huis and groups who sought for the political rights and benefits in early Public China. Li Qian was the editor and publisher of the book. The documents reflects the Huis participation in political affair in the early Public China. To study it can help us get better understand of social political traits in that time and how all the nationalities greatly effect the constitution of modern Chinese national state.
Copyright:The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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