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Author:GUAN Yan-bo Date:2010-04-08

【Title】 The Environment Mindset of Race and Cognization of the Local Ecosystem
【Author】 GUAN Yan-bo(Research Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Beijing 10081; China);
【Journal Title】Journal of China Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition), 2010. 02
【Key words】Race living environment; Nationality ecosystem; Race environment mindset; Race environmental cognization;
【Abstract】 "Race living environment" and "race ecosystem niche" are proposed by us ing the concept of natural science,
which aim to reveal the ircorrelation from are latively stable residentialreg ions of all the nationa lities. Moreove r, th is article
discusses two basicd imensions of  race living environment and race ecosystem niche . Among all survival and development of national environm ental cond itions, the author considers that them ost basic and corepart is focus on the cognization
about the residential environm ent ( local and regional environm en tal cognization). The nationa l society order ly transm ission
o f ecolog ica l know ledge is the resu lt of long?term social practice summ ed up by the reasonab le comm on sense. Th is comm onsense, which is the useful first?hand docum ent people can rely on in the process o freg ional econom icdeve lopm ent and env ironmental protection, contains potential value of ecological awareness and should be taken into account.


resource:The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Copyright:The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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