Recent Papers
Recent Papers
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- A Research of the Lineage of the Murong Family of Qian Yan [2011-01-31]
- Language Planning Development and Micro Language Planning [2011-01-31]
- The Language Policy and Linguistic Culture in India [2011-01-31]
- A Review on the Study of Sociolinguistics in China [2011-01-31]
- Prefixes of Mon-Khmer Languages [2011-01-20]
- The Role and Expressive Forms of Language in the Ethnic I... [2011-01-20]
- The Phonological Evolution in the Tujia Lanugage Induced ... [2011-01-20]
- The Cross-border Dulong:An Explanation of its Self and Ot... [2011-01-20]
- A New Trend in Bilingual Education Policy——the Case of ... [2011-01-20]
- The Publicization and Conversion of the 7th Lcang-Skya Ho... [2010-12-17]
- About Jimifuzhou System that Tang Dynasty Pushed in the F... [2010-11-20]
- A Research of the Lineage of the Murong Family of Qian Yan [2010-10-01]
- On the Etymology of Ganlan [2010-08-05]
- Study of multi-media information system and challenges it... [2010-07-30]
- The Boundary and Identity of Ethnic Minority:Taking Xinbi... [2010-07-25]