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作者:张小敏 日期:2007-10-18

    2007年10月12日上午,挪威独立摄影家凯-奥托•米兰(Kai-Otto Melau)访问了中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所。他首先参观了国际人类学与民族学联合会十六届世界大会筹备委员会设在民族所的学术办公室。学术办公室秘书杜发春向他介绍了大会的情况,并欢迎他参加2008年在昆明举办的人类学与民族学世界大会。然后,凯-奥托•米兰拜访了我所的影视人类学研究室,与该室主任陈景源,副主任庞涛,及成员张小敏、雷亮中、张辉进行了座谈。张小敏,雷亮中担任翻译。
    凯-奥托•米兰 具有在非洲,东欧等不同文化环境进行摄影工作的丰富经验,此次受挪威,英国等机构的资助,来中国的主要目的是拍摄在青海三江源地区的挪威NGO发展项目的情况,拍摄题材涉及到三个方面:环保,妇女健康教育和乡村医生培训。这个项目的目的是展现挪威在中国的NGO机构的发展项目仍然十分重要。影视室的同志们就“环保、妇女健康教育和乡村医生培训”这三个题材的拍摄准备、选点、选择拍摄对象、隐私保护、拍摄者的知情权、工作流程等问题与凯进行了深入的沟通,并就青海藏区的经济发展与环保问题、乡村医生、当地医疗知识和西医并存等问题等进行了交流。
    影视室近年的人类学片代表作 (2002年止)
    2.《隆务河畔的鼓声》,中国记录片协会2000年会上作为五部优秀记录片之一播映观摩,2001年入围德国第44届莱比锡国际人类学电影节展映,编导:陈景源、庞 涛;摄像、制作:庞 涛。
    3.《仲巴 昂仁》,2002年兰州影视人类学国际学术研讨会一等奖、中央电视台等媒体公开播映,2003年入围"云之南"国际人类学影像展,编导:陈景源、庞 涛;摄像、制作:庞 涛。
    4.《年都乎的岁末》,2002年兰州影视人类学国际学术研讨会二等奖,编导:陈景源、张 辉;主摄像、制作:张 辉。
    5.《喀什牲口巴扎的萨拉及》,2002年兰州影视人类学国际学术研讨会三等奖。编导:张江华、张小敏;摄像:张 辉;制作:张小敏。
    Norway Photographer Kai-Otto Melau Visited IEA/CASS
    On Oct.12, 2007, Norway independent photographer Kai-Otto Melau visited the Institute of Anthropology & Ethnology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IEA/CASS). Mr. Kai-Otto Melau first visited the Academic Office of the Organizing Committee for the 16th Congress of IUAES, which will be held on July 15-23, 2008 in Kunming, China. Prof. Du Fachun, the Academic Secretary of the Academic Office, had met Mr. Kai-Otto Melau in the region of the Source of the Three Rivers (Yangtz River, Yellow River and Lancangjiang River) in Qinghai Province in China when they were both doing field work there. Prof. Du introduced the Congress to Mr. Kai-Otto Mela and welcomed him to take part in it next year. Then, Prof. Du introduced Mr. Kai-Otto Mela to Visual Anthropology Department of IEA, where the Director of the Department, Prof. Chen Jingyuan, and vice Director Pang Tao welcomed him and had an informal discussion with him. Other members in the Department: Zhang Xiaomin, Lei Liangzhong and Zhang Hui also attend the discussion. The discussion focused on such topics as “Environmental protection in Qinghai Tibetan Region, Women Health Education and Village Doctor Training”. They exchanged ideas and methodology on how to deal with these topics in fieldwork, such as the selection of people or place to take picture or shoot, Privacy Protection and Working Procedures.
    Mr. Kai-Otto Melau is an experienced photographer to deal with multi-cultural subject of photographing: Africa, East European countries, Qinghai Tibetan Region in China, etc. This time he got funding from Norway to take pictures in the Qinghai Tibetan Region on the above “Environmental protection, Women Health Education and Village Doctor Training” topic to show that although China is not regarded as an developing country by some westerners, there is still an urgent need for the NGOs to do their project on development in China, especially in the undeveloped remote area.
It is reported that Visual Anthropology Dept. which grow out of the Film Team (founded at the end of 1970s) of INS, CASS, is subordinate to IEA, CASS. IEA began to make its series of Ethnographic films on "Chinese Minorities’ Society & History Scientific Documentary" in 1957. After that, till the middle of 1960s, fifteen anthropological films were completed, including THE VAS, THE OROCHENS, AZHU MARRIAGE OF THE NAXI IN YONGNING etc.. So IEA film team is the founder of VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY field in new China. VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY Dept.(Team) has made great progress in both film making practices and theory studies since it was founded. Till now, the dept. has presented over 50 anthropological films on minorities culture, including the LI SERIES, THE MIAO SERIES, THE SHE SERIES, THE KAZAKS SERIES, THE BAI SERIES, THE TIBETAN SERIES, MONGOLIAN SERIES AND THE TU SERIES, etc.. Number of works have been published which have positive influence home and abroad. The dept. is regarded as the key research base and center of Chinese Visual Anthropology. The dept. undertakes to organize the national Visual Anthropology academic activities and to communicate with foreign colleagues. The secretariat of Chinese VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY branch Association is set at this department.
    Masterpiece of Anthropology films produced by the Dept. in recent years:(till 2002):
    1. Sacred Drummer by Pangtao , Zhang Jianghua, Chen Jingyuan(Chinese side ), co-present with France scholars, Special listed prize at the 1997 Paris 17TH International Anthropology Film Festival.
    2. The Drumbeats on Long-wo Riverside, director: Chen Jingyuan, Pangtao, camera & on-line editor: Pangtao. One of the five excellent films shown in the 2000 Chinese Documentary Association’s annual meeting, selected film to show on the Germany 44th Lepzig IAFF.
    3. Aung-Ring, Singer of the Epic Gesar; director: Chen Jingyuan, Pangtao, camera & on-line editor: Pangtao, first prize by the 2002 Lanzhou VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY International Academic Forum, shown by mass media like CCTV etc., selected film by 2003 THE SOUTH OF CLOUD International Anthropology Images Expo.
    4. YEAR-END AT Nian-du-hu Village, 2nd prize by the 2002 Lanzhou VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY International Academic Forum, director: Chen Jingyuan, Zhanghui, camera & on-line editor: Zhanghui.
    5. SALACHI IN THE KASHGAR LIVESTOCK MARKET, 3rd prize by the 2002 Lanzhou VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY International Academic Forum, director: Zhang Jianghua, Zhang Xiaomin, camera: Zhanghui, Zhang Xiaomin, on-line editor: Zhang Xiaomin.
    (Provided by Zhang Xiaomin)

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