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——青海卡力岗「藏语穆斯林」的族群溯源研究 Historical Remember, Religious Consciousness and Ethnic Identity: Ethnogenesis of Tibetan-speaking Muslims in Kaligang, Qinghai

内容摘要: 对于理解中国西北「回」、「藏」族群文化长期互动关系的发展过程而言,分布在青海东部化隆、循化等地境内卡力岗山区的「藏语穆斯林」现象,确实能够提供出一个具有结合当代族群史与民族学(人类学)学科研究特色的观察案例。如果从族群溯源研究的观点看来,此一观察应该具备以下三个论述面向:一、在历史记忆的展现方式上,「昔藏今回」或是回民祖源的争议,都必须面对藏文化如何与穆斯林文化并存适应的事实;二、从花寺门宦太爷马来迟于清乾隆年间至卡力岗传播伊斯兰教的传说开始,经过格底目、苏非主义等老教到今日伊赫瓦尼新教,当地宗教意识的变迁意义及其对于穆斯林我群意识所产生的形塑过程;三、当代大陆民族识别下,回族与藏族的法定少数民族身份,对于「藏语穆斯林」的族群认同意识的巩固,及其所引发的族群边缘研究意义的讨论。而这种以卡力岗「藏语穆斯林「的族群溯源研究的论述模式,亦有助于扩大并深化当代中国西北族群与社会文化史研究的视野。

Abstract: The Tibetan-speaking Muslims which inhabit in Kaligang area of Hualong and Xunhua Counties in eastern Qinghai obviously has provided a unique case to observe the multi-perspectives either in ethnohistory or ethnic relation that among the communities of Hui Muslims and Tibetans in northwestern China. This article is tried to use the viewpoint of ethnogenesis to analyze the origins of Tibetan-speaking Muslims and their plural fea- tures of ethnicity, and it should emphasizes in three different aspects: First, how to recognize the debates and their specific meanings of " former Tibetans but nowadays Hui-Muslims" that had being occurred since 1980s. Second, the historical evidence records that in the middle of 18th century the Islamic Khufiyya Sufi Order Huasi menhuan and its legendary Shaykh Ma Eai-chi in Kaligang area was one of the key influences that made many indigenous Tibetans to convert to Islam. Third, according to contemporary China's ethic policy, Tibetans and Hui-Muslims belong to two different categories of ethnic minorities (minzu), and their ethnic boundaries are shaped strongly by systems of nation-state never seen before. The result is that in local communities the Kaligang Tibetan-speaking Muslims try to maintain their ambiguous but substantial Hui identity, and at the same time comply with the official identification and policies promoted by the government.



来源: 《西北民族研究》 2013年 第2期


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