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——对“中国少数民族社会历史科学纪录电影”的再思考 Reconstruction of Culture and Reality of Image: Rethinking of The Social-historical Scientific Documentaries of China's Ethnic Minorities

内容摘要: “中国少数民族社会历史科学纪录电影”是20世纪50年代至70年代由中国科学院民族研究所、北京科学教育电影制片厂、八一电影制片厂等学术与电影制作机构合作拍摄的16部纪录片的统称。这些纪录片是中国第一批人类学民族志电影,如今已成为了解多个少数民族传统社会生活与文化遗产的宝贵资料。“中国少数民族社会历史科学纪录电影”采用了复原重建式的拍摄方法,通过扮演、摆拍等方式,再现业已消失的民族政治、经济、宗教活动和生产、生活场景。本文对于这种影像创作方法的理论与实践加以探讨,并通过与当代人类学者拍摄的作品的比较研究,总结出“复原重建”方法的得失所在。

Abstract: The Social-historical Scientific Documentaries of China's Ethnic Minorities are the 16 documentaries co-produced by the Institute of Ethnology of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing Scientific and Educational Film Studio and Bayi Film Studio, which are regarded as the earliest Ethnographic films in China, and valuable materi- al to learn the traditional social life and cultural heritage of some China's Ethnic Minorities. In order to shoot the documentaries, film makers used the methods of reconstruction such as performing and posing, to reconstruct the already disappeared political, economic and religious activities as well as the scenes of living and production. By discussing the theory and practice and comparing the new documentaries produced by the contemporary anthro- pologists and filmmakers, this paper tries to summarize the gain and loss of the "image reconstruction" metlqod.



来源: 《西北民族研究》 2013年 第2期


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