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试析黔中经济区与国家发展战略 Analysis of the Urgency for Central Guizhou Economic zone to Be Englisted inot China National Stragegic Planning

内容摘要: 贵州省近来明确提出将按照以贵阳市为中心、迅速培育黔中经济区。黔中经济区将不断优化城镇发展布局,加快形成以大城市为中心、中小城市为骨干、小城镇为基础的梯次明显、优势互补、辐射作用较强的城镇体系。针对这一经济区历史考察和现实发展需要,提出黔中经济区战略构建上能够上升到国家战略高度,可以使全省花最少的钱办最大的事。这在老少边穷的贵州省兴办经济开发区具有特别重要的意义。这样黔中经济区,既能又快又好的发展,又能更好更快的迈上新台阶。


Abstract: Recently,there is a clear call in Guizhou to develop "Central-Guizhou Economic Zone" quickly with Guiyang City as the center.In line with this development plan,a layout of the cities and towns will be optimized time and again,with big city as the center,medium-sized and small cities as the backbone and small towns as the base,so that a clearly staged,advantage-shared,and radioactively-functioned system can be worked out.Based on the investigation of history and the real need for development,this paper puts forward the proposal for Guizhou to achieve her maximum efficiency and to push the construction of "Central-Guizhou Economic Zone" onto the national level of strategic planning.This is of great significance to develop the economic zone for Guizhou,inhabited by ethnic minority nationalities in a remote,bordering and poverty-struck area.Such an economic zone should not only develop itself quicker and faster,but also push itself onto a new level within a short period.


Keyword:development of the west regions;Central-Guizhou Economic Zone;national strategic planning;cities and towns in Central Guizhou;


来源: 《贵州大学学报》 2012年 第3期


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