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羁縻与怀柔:论明王朝对安多藏区的治理 The Constraint and the Placation: On the Administration of Amdo Tibetan in Ming Dynasty

内容摘要: 安多藏区在明朝经营整个藏区中具有特殊的作用。明王朝把安多看作是经营整个藏区的示范区和桥头堡。明王朝对藏区的治理沿袭元制,并有所突破和创新:治理安多藏区的原则是羁縻与怀柔并举,主要措施有“土流参治”、“僧官制度”及官办“茶马互市”等。总体而言,明王朝对安多藏区的治理是成功的,值得肯定。

Abstract: Amdo Tibetan regions played a special role in the governance and management of the whole Tibetan regions in the Ming Dynasty. This region was regarded as an example of the administration of the whole Tibetan re- gions. The Tibetan administration in the Ming Dynasty followed the Yuan Dynasty' s system and had its breakthrough and innovation. The Ming Dynasty carried out the policy about the administration of Amdo Tibetan regions which was the constraint as important as the placation. The chief measures were "the joint administration by Han people' s and Tibetan officials" ," the monk officials system", "the exchange between tea and horses by the official administra- tion", etc. In conclusion, the Ming Dynasty administration of Amdo Tibetan regions was successful, and was worthy of recognition


作者:刘星(著)(西南民族大学), 曹群勇(著)(西南民族大学)

来源: 《青海民族大学学报》 2013年 第3期


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