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——基于青海省玉树县巴塘乡的田野调查 ——基于青海省玉树县巴塘乡的田野调查

内容摘要: 文章以青海省玉树县巴塘乡的田野调查为依据,结合历史材料全面展现藏区天葬的起源及演变过程,指出今日藏区的天葬与原始野葬存在一脉相承的关系:在遗体处理的手法方面更多地继承了苯教的仪轨,但在精神层面更多显示出了佛教所倡导的轮回观。因此,单纯用“苯教教义说”或“佛教教义说”来解释天葬的起源均是片面的。天葬的起源其实是佛苯在高海拔的特殊环境之下互动的结果,提出“佛‘含括’苯的佛苯互动说”,对天葬起源进行了新的解释。

Abstract: This article combines the field study in Yushu County Batang Township of Qinghai Province with his torical material, present us the overall development of the origin and evolution process of sky burial ritual in Ti betan areas. The article points out the corresponding relationship between current tradition of sky burial in Tibet and the original wild burial rituals. These rituals inherited the path of "Bonism" in terms of ways of dealing with the corps, however, on the spiritual level, the rituals tend to be more guided by Buddhist view point of reincarna tion. Therefore, simply using either "Bonism" doctrine or "Buddhist" doctrine to understand the the origin of sky burial is only onesided understanding. As matter of fact, the origin of sky burial is a result of interaction be tween Bonism and Buddhism under the unique environment setting in high altitude area. This article suggests the theory of Buddhism intervolving with Bonism which provided a new explanation to the origin of sky burial.



来源: 《西藏大学学报》 2013年 第4期


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