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—— Gender equity in Canada’s newly growing religious minorities

内容摘要: 基于2001年加拿大人口普查数据和2002年族群多样性调查,我们发现相比主流加拿大人,在劳动力参与方面加拿大新增长的宗教少数民族群体存在更大的性别不平等现象。这种性别不平等只有部分是由于年轻孩子的存在导致的。尽管这种不平等在穆斯林移民中最严重,但印度教徒和锡克教徒相比主流加拿大人,在劳动力参与方面也存在更大的性别不平等现象。在加拿大,这些不平等随着时间会逐渐减小。最近在宗教群体中表现出的性别不平等的差异比宗教信仰本身的差异更多地映衬出移民来源国的文化特点。

Abstract: Using data from the 2001 Canadian census and the 2002 Ethnic Diversity Survey, we find greater gender inequality in labor force participation among the newly growing religious minorities in Canada relative to mainstream Canadians. This gender inequality is only partly conditioned by the presence of young children. Although greatest among Muslim immigrants, other groups including Hindus and Sikhs also exhibit greater gender inequality in labor force participation relative to mainstream Canadians. These patterns fade with time in Canada. Lastly, the differences in gender inequality among religious groups reflect national cultures in the countries of origin more than differences in religious beliefs per se.



来源: 《Ethnic and Racial Studies,201504》 第5期

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