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—— The Structure of Islam in Switzerland and the Effects of the Swiss Minaret ban

内容摘要: 为了了解瑞士在2009年反对建造尖塔的立法的通过,首先必须阐明当时的历史和政治背景。从瑞士历史上看,国家的内部宗教和语言的差异在将某些人概念化为“外人”的过程中扮演了很大的作用。近年来,自从上世纪60年代开始的穆斯林移民到瑞士的过程,特别是参考上世纪70年代末期允许家庭团聚的立法,曾对瑞士城市空间的社会和文化结构产生了深远的影响,包括对穆斯林机构所在地的尖塔禁令。本文目的是在这些历史和政治的发展过程的背景下考虑尖塔禁令,以得到批准禁令原因的潜在解释。此外,它试图解释禁令对瑞士穆斯林社区的意义和瑞士环境下世俗主义的应用方式。

Abstract: In order to understand the passage of the legislation against the construction of minarets in Switzerland in 2009, the historical and political context must first be elucidated. Historically, the internal religious and linguistic differences across the nation play a large role in the way the Swiss have come to conceptualize the “Others”. In recent years, the process of Muslim immigration to Switzerland since the 1960s, particularly in reference to the legislation that allowed for family regrouping in the late 1970s, have had a profound impact on the social and cultural composition of Swiss urban spaces, including the minaret ban within presence of Muslim institutions. This article aims to contextualize the minaret ban within these historical and political developments in order to offer potential explanations for its approval. Additionally, it attempts to explain the implications of the ban for the Swiss Muslim community and for the way that secularism is applied in the Swiss context.

作者:Savannah D. Dodd(著), 周学文(译)

来源: 《Journal of Muslim Minorities Affairs, 2015, Volume》 2015年

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