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—— Islamic gatherings: experiences of discrimination and religious affirmation across established and new immigrant communities

内容摘要: 在荷兰的穆斯林少数民族中,歧视知觉与宗教在何种程度上相关联?根据最近从荷兰五个自称穆斯林的民族中做的具有全国代表性的调查,我们测试了反应性宗教的边界条件。我们的研究结果表明,对来自已建立的移民社区的穆斯林,歧视知觉与更频繁的参加宗教活动有关联,但对来自较小的、未建立的民族社区的穆斯林,情况不是这样。本文使用边界框架理论解释了这些发现。

Abstract: To what extent are perceptions of discrimination associated with religious affirmation among Muslim minorities in the Netherlands? Drawing on recent nationally representative surveys among self-identified Muslims from five ethnic groups in the Netherlands, we test boundary conditions of reactive religiosity. Our findings indicate that for Muslims from established immigrant groups, perceptions of discrimination are associated with more frequent religious attendance, but that this is not the case for Muslims from smaller, less established ethnic communities. Findings are interpreted using a boundary framework.

作者:Mieke Maliepaard, Mérove Gijsberts & Karen Phalet(著), 周学文(译)

来源: 《Mieke Maliepaard, Mérove Gijsberts & Karen Phalet》 2015年 第15期

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