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作者:Yazdiha,Hajar; 民族与种族研究,2019年4月






Exclusion through acculturation? Comparing first- and second-generation European Muslims' perceptions of discrimination across four national contexts


Yazdiha, Hajar, Ethnic And Racial Studies,April  2019



These findings highlight a significant puzzle: Muslims perceive greater societal discrimination in the more inclusionary settings of Britain and France and identify less exclusion in the more exclusionary settings of Germany and Spain, and native-born Muslims perceive greater exclusion than Muslim immigrants in more inclusionary countries. According to survey results, this pattern is not reducible to variation in individual experiences of discrimination, though individual experience is associated with a greater perception of societal hostility. The pattern is not due to cross-national differences in structural incorporation, either – in Britain and France, respondents were more likely to be native-born and more likely to report income above the national median. To begin to explain this puzzle, I offer an expanded cultural consciousness approach that bridges three levels of analysis: a social psychological approach focused on micro-level experiences, a migration approach focused on meso-level structures of incorporation, and a political sociology approach centred on macro-level citizenship regimes. The recognition of these three simultaneous levels of analysis offers insights for each of these literature.

The social psychological study of perceptions of discrimination may further analyze how cultural categorizations interact with legal contexts to shape the way intergroup interactions are perceived. For example, how does the positionality of group identity interact with political contexts over time to produce different sets of expectations around inclusion? For instance, groups who are socioeconomically or racially advantaged may have greater expectations of inclusion in an inclusionary host society than groups with long histories of oppression. Individual experiences of discrimination may also have different effects across national contexts, for example, in legal contexts more amenable to categorizing discrimination. Migration scholars might take more account of the cultural content of incorporation, in addition to the social structures of incorporation. The generational gap in perceptions might be explored by bridging segmented assimilation theory with cultural sociology to examine how the native-born draw upon a broader cultural repertoire, enabling the formation of perceptions of discrimination and its contestation. A comparison of different migrant groups in a single country might consider how expectations of inclusion vary across multiple culturally contextual symbolic boundaries of race, ethnicity, and religion. Scholars may also examine how perceptions of group position against national contexts vary within heterogeneous Muslim communities and their historical relationships to receiving nations. For example, how do Turkish Muslims in Germany who have historically been labour migrants understand inclusion compared to South Asian Muslims from countries of British colonization in Great Britain? Studies show how among American Muslims, perceptions of discrimination vary across racial and ethnic groups (Zainiddinov?2016Zainiddinov,?Hakim.?2016. “Racial and Ethnic Differences in Perceptions of Discrimination among Muslim Americans.”?Ethnic and Racial Studies?39 (15):?2701–2721. doi:?10.1080/01419870.2016.1164877[Taylor & Francis Online],?[Web of Science ?],?,?[Google Scholar]), emphasizing how national constructions of group identities can intersect and shape divergent experiences and perceptions of discrimination.

Finally, the largely macro scholarship on citizenship may further explore the individual implications of national philosophies and policies of integration. How do legal contexts and cultural contexts interact and change over time and through different political junctures, such as the rise in hate crimes after Brexit? National laws and policies generate, reproduce, and challenge cultural conceptualizations of insiders and outsiders. However, laws and policies are not autonomous from cultural expressions but are rather simultaneously constituted by and in tension with culture (Yazdiha?2017Yazdiha,?Hajar.?2017. “The relationality of law and culture: Dominant approaches and new directions for cultural sociologists.”?Sociology Compass?11 (12):?1–12. doi:?10.1111/soc4.12545[Crossref],?[Web of Science ?],?,?[Google Scholar]). Citizenship is not constituted by simply?knowing?one belongs to the polity, it is also constituted by the?feeling?of belonging to the polity. Feelings of exclusion from the polity may matter just as much as formal policies. Given ongoing debates surrounding immigration, incorporation, and the boundaries of citizenship, it is increasingly important to examine the mechanisms through which national policies shape the lived realities of individuals negotiating the complexities of social membership and societal inclusion.

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