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Yellow peril, red scare: race and communism in National Review.


Print media has had a profound impact on shaping conservative ideology, political practice, and racial boundary making. While scholarship on US conservatism contributes important elements of its economic, political, and social philosophy by highlighting the role of racialization within the black/white binary, little attention has been historically paid to other forms of racialization within US conservatism. Through a discourse analysis of National Review from 1955 to 1975, I offer a corrective by examining how racial tropes are used to reinforce the conservative political project of anti-communism. These racialized tropes highlight how National Review characterized East Asian nations as uncivilized and savage, and thus poised for communist exploitation. I explain how yellow peril discourse was linked to communist infiltration amongst US conservative writers.

摘要: 印刷媒体对塑造保守的意识形态、政治实践和种族边界产生了深远的影响。尽管美国保守主义学术通过强调黑人/白人二元体系中种族主义的作用,为其经济、政治和社会哲学施加了重要影响,但历史上很少关注美国保守主义中其他形式的种族主义。本文通过对1955年至1975年《国家评论》的论述分析,我提出了一种改进方法:分析种族化修辞是如何被用来加强保守的反共产主义政治项目的。这些种族化的修辞揭示《国家评论》如何将东亚国家定义为不文明和野蛮的国家,从而为共产主义剥削做好准备。我解释了“黄祸论”是如何与美国保守派作家中的共产主义渗透联系在一起的。

作者: Del Visco, Stephen

作者单位: Department of Political Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA

来源: Ethnic & Racial Studies. Mar 2019, Vol. 42 Issue 4, p626-644.


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