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    2010年10月19日上午,加拿大约克大学副校长洛娜•赖特(Lorna Wright)、人文学院院长马丁•辛格(Martin Singer)、亚洲商务管理中心主任傅尧乐(Bernie Frolic)、约克大学北京办事处项目官员刘捷女士一行4人应邀访问了中国社科院民族所。所党委书记张昌东、副所长黄行会见了约克大学代表团并与之进行了会谈, 双方就未来开展中加学术交流合作深入地交换了意见。
    会谈之后,赖特教授做了“加拿大的商业文化”(Canadian Business Culture)的学术报告。她在讲座中说,企业文化和文化价值观可以加深我们对加拿大的总体理解,如果只有经济模型和图表,我们就不可能真正地了解加拿大。赖特博士在讲座中探讨这些文化和价值观,以及它们对加拿大商业和与加拿大人进行贸易的亚洲商人所带来的影响。来自社科院民族所、中央民族大学、北京理工大学、北京教育考试研究院、华侨出版社等单位的20余位专家学者参加了讲座和交流。中国加拿大研究会副秘书长杜发春主持了学术讲座。
    洛娜•赖特博士是应中国社科院民族所加拿大研究中心的邀请来华讲学的。2010年,中国社科院民族所加拿大研究中心通过加拿大驻华大使馆申请加拿大外交部“加拿大访问教授项目”获得成功,受此项目资助,2010年10-11月,该中心邀请了两名加拿大教授来华讲学,他们是约克大学副校长、舒立克商学院教授洛娜•赖特(Lorna Wright)博士,加拿大研究会(蒙特尔利)执行会长杰克•杰德瓦柏(Jack Jedwab)博士。两位加拿大专家出席了在北京外国语大学召开的“中国加拿大研究会第14届年会暨国际研讨会”,到中国社会科学院、云南师范大学和云南农业大学做了学术讲座,并到昆明市寻甸回族彝族自治县调研。

York University Delegation Visited IEA at CASS

On October 19th 2010, a delegation from York University Canada led by VP Lorna Wright, accompanied by Dean Martin Singer, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Dr. Bernie Frolic, Director of ABMP,and Ms LIU Jie,Program officer of York’s Beijing office, visited Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IEA at CASS). They are welcomed by IEA Director General ZHANG Changdong and Vice Director General HUANG Xing, future academic exchange program between CASS and York University was discussed in the meeting.

A routable discussion was arranged in IEA, Dr. Lorna Wright presented her talk on Canadian Business Culture, she mentioned that one will not have a complete picture of Canada if all one has are economic models and figures. Corporate culture and cultural values in general are also necessary to round out the overall understanding. This presentation explored those values and their effect, both on Canadian business and on the perception of Asian businesspeople who do business with Canadians. This seminar chaired by Professor DU Fachun, Deputy Secretary-General of the Association for Canadian Studies in China.

Invited by the Canadian Studies Center of IEA at CASS, two visiting Professors from Canada, Dr. Lorna Wright, Associate Vice-President International of the York University, and Dr. Jack Jedwab, Exe-cutive Director of the Association for Canadian Studies(Montreal Canada), have paid an academic visit to Beijing and Kunming on October to November 2010.During this visit, they attended the 14th biennial conference of ACSC which was held in the Beijing Foreign Studies University, and had lectures in CASS, Yunnan Normal University and Yunnan Agricultural University. This is an “Visiting Professor Grant” that is undertaken with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and the Canadian Embassy in Beijing.

地址:北京市中关村南大街27号6号楼 邮编:100081