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作者:杜发春 日期:2007-01-30
    前不久,中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所张继焦研究员和加拿大马尼托巴大学朱爱兰(Ellen R. Judd)教授合作,组织各国学者召开国际研讨会,共同探讨了“中国和亚太地区的移民”问题。
    来自中国、加拿大、日本、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、泰国、印度、挪威、芬兰、香港和台湾等11个国家和地区的近40位学者提交了论文。其中,加拿大学者有7人,他们是:马尼托巴大学人类学学系朱爱兰(Ellen R. Judd)教授,多伦多大学的珍妮特•萨拉芙(Janet Salaff)教授、安格拉•思科(Angela Shik)副教授,米莫丽尔大学(Memorial University)的玛丽莲•珀特(Marilyn Porter)教授,不列颠哥伦比亚大学社会学系詹森(Graham E. Johnson)教授、亚洲图书馆馆长袁家瑜(Eleanor Yuen)教授和西蒙弗雷泽大学的琼•格雷克(Jon Grenke)先生。(见照片)
    这次会议是中国民族学会、国际人类学与民族学联合会第十六届世界大会筹备委员会(ICAES 2008)、中山大学等3家在广州联合主办的“文化多样性与当代世界” 国际学术研讨会的分会场之一。(见照片)
    Cooperation between Chinese and Canadian Scholars:
    A Panel on“Migration in China and Asian-Pacific Region”
    Du Fachun
    (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
    A panel on “Migration in China and Asian-Pacific Region” has been co-organized by Prof. & Dr. Zhang Jijiao (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) and Prof. & Dr. Ellen R. Judd (University of Manitoba, Canada) in Guangzhou, 23-26 Dec., 2006.
    40 papers had been submitted and presented by the participants who were from 11 Countries and Regions: China, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, India, Norwegian, Finland, Hongkong and Taiwan. Among them 7 scholars from Canada: Prof. Ellen R. Judd (University of Manitoba), Prof. Janet Salaff (University of Toronto), Prof. Angela Shik (University of Toronto), Prof. Marilyn Porte (Memorial University), Prof. Graham E. Johnson(University of British Columbia), Prof. Eleanor Yuen (University of British Columbia), Mr. Jon Grenke (Simon Fraser University). (Please see the photo)
    The panel included 4 sessions or 4 themes: Overseas Chinese and International Migration, Theories and Policies of Migration, Migration in China, Migration in the World. (Please the attachment:Schedule of the Panel)
    This is a panel during the International Symposium on “Cultural Diversity and the Present World”---- A Preparatory Conference for the 16th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES 2008) in China.
    Prof. Hao Shiyuan, director, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences presented a key note speech (Please see the photo) and Mr. Zhou Mingfu, Vice-chairman, Organizing Committee for ICAES 2008 gave an important speech in the opening ceremony of the international symposium.
    Vice-chairman Zhou Mingfu also met Canadian delegation during the symposium. (Please see the photo)
    Attachment: Schedule of the Panel
    Panel on “Migration in China and Asian-Pacific Region”
    中国社会科学院 张继焦研究员
    加拿大马里托巴大学 朱爱兰教授
    Co-organized by
    Prof. & Dr. Zhang Jijiao (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
    Prof. & Dr. Ellen R. Judd (University of Manitoba, Canada)
    (2 days, 4 sessions)
    (Every Speech 15 minutes, Total Comment 10 minutes, Question and Discussion 10 minutes)
    11月24日 星期五   24th November Friday
    Session 1 Theme: Overseas Chinese and international migration
    上半场 14:00—15:30
    Session 1.1: 14:00—15:30
    主  席:朱爱兰(马里托巴大学,加拿大)
    Chair: Ellen R. Judd (University of Manitoba, Canada)
    Commentator: Eleanor Yuen(University of British Columbia, Canada)
    谢爱萍 (马来亚大学,马来西亚)
    Chia Oai Peng (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
    Chinese Malaysian Society and Cultural Diversity
      琼•格雷克(西蒙弗雷泽大学 / 加拿大移民和难民行政法庭)
       Jon Grenke (Simon Fraser University / Immigration & Refugee Board of Canada)
                Approved Destination Status: New Zealand, Australia and Lesson for the Canadian
Immigration system
    徐黎丽 (兰州大学)
       Xu Lili (Lanzhou University)
             A Study on Chinese Cultural Diversification in Oxford of Britain
    Outi Luova(University of Turku, FINLAND),(read by other person)
    Migrant Capital Transfers in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, China
    茶歇 15:30—15:40
    下半场 15:40—17:30
    Session 1.2: 15:40—17:30
    主  席:朱爱兰(马里托巴大学,加拿大)
    Chair: Ellen R. Judd (University of Manitoba, Canada)
    Commentator: Angela Shik (University of Toronto, Canada)
    Eleanor Yuen(University of British Columbia, Canada)
    Are we what we are? A study of Chinese Canadian names
    郑一省 (广西民族大学)
    Zheng Yixing (Guangxi University of Nationalities)
          Comparative study of Network Modes among Contemporary Mainland Chinese’s
    New Migrants
      Sachiko Yokota (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
            The Conflict of Taiwanese New Multiculturalism and Sense of Crisis about succession of Chineseness: Efforts to Accept Southeast Asian Brides in Taiwan
    吴天泰 (台湾东华大学)(代读论文)
    Wu Tiantai (Taiwan National Donghua University),(read by other person)
            Highly Educated Women in Migration: Intermarriage between China and Japan
    11月25日 星期六   25th November Saturday
    Session 2 Theme: Theories and Policies of Migration
    上半场 9:00—10:20
    Session 2.1: 9:00—10:20
    主  席:张继焦(中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所)
    Chair: Zhang Jijiao (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Science)
    Commentator: Chia Oai Peng (University of Malaya, Malaysia)
    Shi Guoqing(National Research Center for Resettlement, Hohai University)
    Involuntary Migration: Experiences in China and in the World
    杜发春 (中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所)
       Du Fachun (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Science)
               Challenges and Policies of Ecological Migration in China
    陈阿江、陈晓庆、王群 (河海大学)
      Chen AJiang, Chen Xiaoqing, Wang Qun (Hohai University)
             Differences and Reasons of Settlement Effects
       韩振燕 (河海大学)
      Han Zhenyan (Hohai University)
             Designing of Safety Protection Net for Vulnerable Groups among Involuntary Migration
    茶歇 10:20—10:30
    下半场 10:30—12:00
    Session 2.2: 10:30—12:00
    主  席:乔度里(加尔各答大学,印度)
    Chair: Buddhadeb Chaudhuri (Calcutta University, India)
    Commentator: Shi Guoqing(National Research Center for Resettlement, Hohai University)
       包智明、荀丽丽 (中央民族大学)
      Bao Zhiming, Xun Lili (Central University of Nationalities)
             Create “Migration”: Ecological Migration and State Power
    陈绍军,于浩淼 (河海大学)
      Chen Shaojun, Yu Haomiao (Hohai University)
              The “Field” in the Control over Social Risks of Inventory Resettlement
    李锦 (四川省民族研究所)
      Li Jin (Sichuan Institute of Ethnic Groups Studies)
             Migration Policies and Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Groups
      玛丽莲. 珀特(Memorial大学,加拿大)和Kristi Poerwandari (印度尼西亚)
    Marilyn Porter (Memorial University, Canada) & Kristi Poerwandari (Universitas Indonesia)
                              How ideas migrate across generations and borders: reflections from an international, comparative project on reproductive health
    11月25日 星期六   25th November, Saturday
    Session 3 Theme: Migration in China
    上半场 14:00—15:30
    Session 3.1: 14:00—15:30
    主  席:陈志明(香港中文大学)
    Chair: Tan Chee Beng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    Commentator: Janet Salaff (University of Toronto, Canada)
      Ellen R. Judd (University of Manitoba)
             On leaving and not leaving the countryside: Factors and Implications
      刘华芹 (南开大学)
      Liu Huaqin (Nankai University)
            Floating Trends and Influencing Factors of Chinese Migration Labor
      僧格 (西北民族大学)
      Sengge (Northwest University of Nationalities)
            Ecological Immigrant’s Adaptation and Follow-up Industry in Pasture Land
    茶歇 15:30—15:40
    下半场 15:40—17:30
    Session 3.2: 15:40—17:30
    主  席:苏米塔(加尔各答大学,印度)
    Chair: Sumita Chaudhuri (Calcutta University, India)
    评议人:玛丽莲. 珀特(Memorial大学,加拿大)
    Commentator: Marilyn Porter (Memorial University, Canada)
    Angela Shik (University of Toronto), Janet Salaff (University of Toronto) and Arent Greve (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration)
    Like Sons and Daughters of Hong Kong: The Return of the Young Generation
      Yuan Tongkai(Department of Sociology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China)
             On the Outflow of Chinese-Korean Women---Taking A Waney Chinese-Korean Village in Northeast China As An Example
      Tang Duoxian (Anhui University)
          Ethnic migrants in Northwest Cities of China
      包路芳 (北京社会科学院)
      Bao Lufang (Beijing Academy of Social Science)
            Urban Village Rebuild and Migrants in Beijing
    11月26日 星期日   26th November Sunday
    Session 4 Theme: Migration in the World
    上半场 9:00—10:20
    Session 4.1: 9:00—10:20
    主  席:杜发春(中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所)
    Chair: Du Fachun (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
    Commentator: Yuan Tongkai(Department of Sociology, Nankai University, Tianjin, China)
        Graham E. Johnson (University of British Columbia, Canada)
              The Ins and Outs of Migration in the Pearl River Delta Region of Guangdong Province
    Naraset Pisitpanporn(马依多尔大学,泰国)
    Naraset Pisitpanporn (Mahidol University, Thailand)
               Ho and Ho People in Thailand
       苏米塔 (加尔各答大学,印度)
       Sumita Chaudhuri (Calcutta University, India)
               Immigrants and Cultural Diversity: Indian Context
    He Bin (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
          Images of Life Customs and Types of Cultural Identities among Chinese in Japan
    茶歇 10:20—10:30
    下半场 10:30—12:00
    Session 4.2: 10:30—12:00
    主  席:陈阿江(河海大学)
    Chair: Chen AJiang (Hohai University)
    Commentator: Graham E. Johnson (University of British Columbia, Canada)
       林国平、李志鸿 (福建师范大学)
       Lin Guoping, Li Zhihong (Fujian Normal University)
    Tradition VS Modern: The Winding Path of the Marine Civilization Development on the Meihua Island
       Sumia (Inner Mongolia University of Technology)
            Migration Society and Cultural Diversity
       张继焦 (中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所)
       Zhang Jijiao (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Science)
    Migrants in Metropolis of China and Malaysia: A Comparative Study between Beijing and Kuala Lumpur
    Yu Shijie(Guangxi University for Nationalities)
    Vicissitudes of the American –Yao people’s Means of Livelihood
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