2007年5月8 日,加拿大里贾那大学(University of Regina)代表团一行 16人,应邀到中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所访问,并围绕中国与加拿大的社会经济情况召开了座谈会。代表团团长为里贾那大学研究生院副院长茹东燕(Dongyan Blachford )博士,副团长为里贾那大学历史系副教授菲利普•查理艾(Philip Charrier)博士。随行的还有来自该校的大学生14名,其中女生 9人,男生5人,分别来自里贾那大学的3 个学院的6个系。
里贾那大学一行16人中,只有3 人曾来过中国,绝大多数为首次来华,菲利普•查理艾教授也是第一次来京。代表团此行的主要目的就是了解中国,感受中国。大家抑制不住初到北京的喜悦和好奇,向社科院民族所专家们提出了许多有关中国的问题。80岁高龄的阮西湖教授精神抖擞地出席了座谈会,他根据7 次到加拿大访问和研究的经历,从中国与加拿大的对比角度,向加拿大来宾详细介绍了中国少数民族的主要情况,并回答了同学们有关中国的民族政策、文化保护等方面的问题。张小敏则从中国第一个影视人类学影片产生的角度回答了有关中国民族文化保护。周庆生教授向客人介绍了中国的语言政策和使用情况。张继焦和杜发春则主要回答了同学们提出的有关环境保护、人口流动、农村经济发展等方面的问题,张继焦博士还向里贾那大学师生简要介绍了国际人类学民族学2008年世界大会的筹备情况。
社科院民族所的专家也向加拿大来宾提出了一些关于加拿大教育和文化方面的问题。茹东燕教授介绍了里贾那大学的基本情况。该校为加拿大正规公立大学,2005年《麦克林》(MacLean’s )杂志综合类大学排名全加第6。该校位于加拿大中部的萨斯咯彻温省(Saskatchewan)省会里贾那市( Regina,人口20万),1974 年建校,提供各类本科、硕士及博士学位,目前在校学生数12,000人。学校的特色专业有:新闻、媒体制作和研究、精算、石油工程、政策研究、健康研究等。茹东燕教授表示,希望加强与中国社会科学院在多元文化、土著民族、现代化与发展等方面的合作,开展科研及学术交流。
茹东燕博士出生于北京,已移居加拿大20余年,原任里贾那大学文学院副院长,2007 年1月始任研究生院副院长,国际语言系副教授。她的主要研究领域为:语言政策和教育,社会公平和性别问题等。代表团副团长里贾那大学历史系副教授菲利普•查理艾,英国剑桥大学历史系博士,主要研究领域是:当代东亚历史,现代化与发展,可视文化。
通过面对面的互动交流,里贾那大学师生得到了一次较好了解中国文化和社会经济状况的机会,也加深了中加双方之间的相互了解。自20世纪80 年代中期阮西湖教授首访里贾那大学以来,中国社科院民族所又有周庆生、彭雪芳和杜发春先后访问过里贾那大学,双方已建立了良好的合作关系。此次里贾那大学16人的代表团来访,加强和巩固了双方的学术联系。
Scholars from University of Regina Canada visited IEA/CASS
On May 8th of 2007, A Delegation of 16 people from University of Regina (U of R) Canada visited the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academic of Social Sciences (IEA/CASS). The head of this delegation is Dr. Dongyan Blachford, Associate Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, U of R. There are 16 visitors, including Dr. Philip Charrier, Associate Professor of History Department, and 14 undergraduate students who come from 6 different Departments of 2 Faculties, U of R.
Dr. Di Yongjun, Director of Research Organizing Department of IEA/CASS, welcomed the Canadian delegation. Professor Ruan Xihu; the former President of the Association of Canadian Studies in China, Professor Zhou Qingsheng; the Director of Canadian Studies Research Centre of IEA/CASS, Dr. Zhang Jijiao, Zhang Xiaomin and Du Fachun from IEA/ CASS attended this meeting. A seminar on Cultural and Social-Economic Situation in China and Canada has been held during this visit, which provided a platform for discussion of mutual interests. This visit has strengthened the linkage between IEA/CASS and U of R. In the meanwhile, the exchange programs of scholars and/or students will be set up.
Dr. Dongyan Blachford’s areas of research include language policy and education, technology in teaching, social justice and gender issues. She is a member of the Board of the Immigrant Women of Saskatchewan, Regina Chapter. Dr. Philip Charrier got his Ph.D from Cambridge University UK, his specialization now focuses on Modern East Asian history; modernization and development; visual culture.
The University of Regina formally founded in 1974, located in Saskatchewan. Currently, it has 9 faculties and 25 academic departments, which have established reputations for excellence and innovative programs leading to bachelors’, masters’, and doctoral degrees. There are more than 12,000 full-time and part-time students, 1,400 permanent and term employees and approximately 1,200 casual employees in U of R.