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Canada-China Forum on Western Development and Socio-Economic Change
作者:Du Fachun 日期:2008-07-17


 Panel discussion

 Panel discussion

 Conference summary

 Conference summary

 Participants group picture

  Participants group picture


 Canada-China Forum on Western Development and Socio-Economic Change

Canada-China Forum on Western Development and Socio-Economic Change (UBC-CASS Conference) was hold successfully at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing China on March 28-29, 2008. This event was jointly organized by the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at CASS (CASS/IEA) and the Institute of Asia Research at the University of British Columbia (UBC/IAR), in partnership with the Canadian Embassy in Beijing. It was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, and the UBC/IAR.The objective of this UBC-CASS Conference is to foster a cooperative exchange between Canada and China on studies of western development and socio-economic change, to discover the implications of Canadian practice and experience for the Western China’s development, to strengthen the linkage between CASS and UBC, and to explore the potential for further collaboration.

Prof. Pitman Potter (Director of UBC/IAR) and Prof. DU Fachun (CASS/IEA) were the principal organizers. Ms. Wang Li, Academic Relations Officer at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing,and Ms. Rozalia Mate, Program Manager of UBC/IAR, offered valuable counsel ensuring the success of the 2-day meeting.

The forum was opened by officials and scholars from both Canada and China including Prof. HAO Shiyuan (Director of Academic Division of Law, Social and Political Studies at CASS, Director of CASS/IEA, and Academic Council Member of CASS), Mr. Louis-Martin Aumais (First Secretary and Vice Consul, Canadian Embassy in Beijing) , Prof. ZHANG Youyun(Vice Director-General, Bureau of International Cooperation at CASS), and Dr. Alison Bailey on Dr. Pitman Potter’s behalf, UBC. They recognized the timeliness and the importance of this event, and expressed the need to further this dialogue after this event.

Three prestigious scholars delivered their keynote speeches by Mr. Hao Shiyuan(Academic Council Member of CASS): “The Socio-Economic Development in Tibet and the Lhasa Riot”, Dr. Diana Lary and Dr. Pitman Potter (UBC, presented by Dr. Alison Bailey): “Terminology and Meaning: A Comparative Lexicon on Nationalities”, Dr. Peter Foggin (University of Montreal) and Dr. Marc Foggin (Plateau Perspectives):“The Practice and Experience of Settlement and Relocation Among Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples”. The session of keynote speeches chaired by Dr. Graham Johnson (UBC).

There were nine panels that covered a range of topics that were highly relevant for both countries including general theories and policy studies on Western China’s & Western Canada’s development, ecological migration and environmental polices, education and poverty alleviation, ethno-cultural diversity protection in China and Canada.

This event further establishes Canada’s reputation as an innovator in policies of Western Development. Mr. Louis-Martin Aumais on behalf of the Canadian Embassy congratulated CASS and the UBC for their efforts, he addressed that Canada has followed the development of China’s West for a long time, Canada was amongst the first countries to open a consulate in Chongqing Municipality, following its creation 10 years ago. This CASS-UBC conference is further demonstration of Canadian interest in the harmonious development of China’s West. It provides an opportunity for constructive dialogue and open exchange of views on challenges arising from socio-economic development, taking stock in the experience gained in our respective countries. Canada, as a diverse and multicultural society, is eager to take part in the exchange.

Two officials from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) were the moderators of the sessions: Ms. Janet Lai, Second Secretary (Development, CIDA) and Vice Consul at the Canadian Embassy, and Mr. Gregor Irvine-Halliday, Canada Fund Coordinator (China) at CIDA. They mentioned that the CIDA has been involved in major projects of importance to China’s Western Development, in areas such as poverty alleviation, sustainable development, migrant workers’ rights and so on. Canada Fund (China) has also been playing an important role in the Western Provinces and Regions, providing support to local initiatives in a wide range of areas. During this forum, papers or presentations to discover or to draw lessons and the implications of Canadian practice and experience for the Western China’s development.

Over 60 individuals participated in this conference came from 7 countries, including China, Canada, USA, UK, Sweden, Japan, and Nigeria. More than 20 of attendees are foreign scholars from UBC, University of Montreal, Ryerson University, University of Toronto, Canada School of Public Service, Transnational Corporations Journal Online, Canadian Embassy in Beijing, Canadian International Development Agency, Department for International Development UK, Ford Foundation (Beijing), U.C. Berkeley, Göteborg University Sweden, Hitotsubashi University Japan, University of Hong Kong, and Hope Light Charity Foundation of Hong Kong, etc. Chinese scholars mostly came from Universities and Institutions in Western Provinces/Regions and out of Beijing, including Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences, Xinjiang Normal University, Xinjiang Changji College, Lanzhou University, and Northwest University for Nationalities (Lanzhou), Ningxia University, North University for Minorities Studies (Yingchuan, Ningxia), Yunnan University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University. Other participants from government institutions, think-tanks and Universities in Beijing such as the National Development and Reform Commission, CASS, Tsinghua University, China Agriculture University, China Foreign Affairs University, LEAD-China and so on.

The conference Proceedings, Western Development and Socio-Economic Changes, 472 pp., which has been printed and distributed to all the participants during the conference. This Proceedings edited by Pitman Potter (UBC) and DU Fachun (CASS).

Please find conference program.
CASS-UBC Forum Program

Major newspapers in China reported the event, including

    Guangming Daily,April 8, 2008
    China Ethnic News,April 8, 2008
    CASS Review ,April 10, 2008

文章来源:Du Fachun
地址:北京市中关村南大街27号6号楼 邮编:100081