由青海民族大学文学院和中国社会语言学会联合主办、青海民族大学文学院承办的“第七届中国社会语言学国际学术研讨会”将于2010年7月18至22 日在青海西宁召开。本届研讨会的主题为语言的多样性,议题包括:语言维持和语言保护、语言认同、语言政策与语言规划、少数民族语言研究、汉语方言研究、全球化背景下外语在中国情境的使用、全球化背景下的对外汉语教学、双语、多语教育,以及其他社会语言学研究。拟参会者请提交中文或英文论文摘要(中文限1000字;英文限500词),通过本次会议学术委员会匿名审查后获正式代表资格。提交论文摘要时请另附个人资料,注明:1)论文题目;2)作者姓名;3)所属单位;4)通讯地址;5)电子邮件地址。会议期间还将举行“中国社会语言学会青年学者优秀论文奖”评选和颁奖活动,参评者需提交论文全文,年龄限40岁以下。参会论文摘要和申报青年学者奖的论文全文请用电子邮件发送至: qhmulfy@126.com ,并将打印版邮寄至:810007 青海西宁八一中路3号 青海民族大学文学与新闻传播学院 雷富英收,截稿日期为2010年2月28日。会议邀请函将于2010年5月寄出。详情请见中国社会语言学会网址: http://acs.whhit.org/ss/ 。
The 7th International Conference on Chinese Sociolinguistics
Conference Theme:
Language Diversity
Conference Venue and Time:
Xining, Qinghai Province, P.R.China
July 18-22, 2010
Qinghai Nationalities University
The Association of Chinese Sociolinguistics
Conference Organizer:
Qinghai Nationalities University
Call Deadline:
Abstracts are invited for talks addressing any sociolinguistic topic related to the theme of the conference, including but not limited to the topic areas in the following:
? Language maintenance and language protection
? Language and identity
? Language policy and language planning
? Minority language studies
? Chinese dialect studies
? Foreign language use in Chinese contexts
? Teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages
? Bilingual and multilingual education
Guidelines for abstract submission
Abstracts (and talks) may be in English or Chinese. English abstracts should be no more than 500 words, while abstracts in Chinese should be no more than 1,000 Chinese characters in length.
While submitting your abstract, please specify the following author information in a separate document: title of paper, author name, affiliation, address, e-mail, phone number, and audiovisual requests.
Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to qhmulfy@126.com , and also by mail, to the following address:
Ms. Lei Fuying
School of Literature, Journalism and Communication
Qinghai Nationalities University
No. 3, Bayi Mid-Road
Qinghai, 810007
(Address in Chinese: 810007 青海西宁八一中路3号 青海民族大学文学与新闻传播学院雷富英收)
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: February 28, 2010
Notification of acceptance: May, 2010
Application for ACS Young Scholars Award:
The conference will also conduct a session for ACS Young Scholars Award in 2010. Please submit a full paper by mail and email (see above), before February 28, 2010 if you wish to be considered for the ACS (The Association of Chinese Sociolinguistics) Young Scholars Award. Eligibility for applying for the award: 40 years of age or younger.
For further information about the conference, please visit the website of The Association of Chinese Sociolinguistics: http://acs.whhit.org/ss/