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作者:学术办 日期:2007-08-31
    2007年7月 23日,国际人类学民族学联合会执委费•哈莉森( Faye V. Harrison )教授应邀在中国社科院民族所举行了专题讲座。哈莉森教授现任国际人类学民族学联合会(IUAES)执行委员兼女性人类学委员会主席,2007年美国人类学联合会( AAA)项目执行主席,佛罗里达大学人类学教授,非洲裔美国人研究室主任,兼妇女与性别研究中心、拉美研究中心、非洲研究中心教授。
    哈莉森教授的讲座主题是“平衡理论与实践:与政策研究的应用人类学”,她主要讲了应用人类学的五个发展趋势:健康问题的社会文化因素,如艾滋病研究中的社会文化分析;跨文化教育问题;与政策有关的问题,如环境保护问题的跨学科研究;信息技术(如互联网/手机)的影响,如跨国网恋现象等;以及全球化对公共政策的影响,如劳工移民对家庭和亲属关系的影响以及同祖籍国的联系。这五大趋势也是美国人类学联合会(AAA )以后的主要任务。哈莉森教授希望能够通过本次讲演激励中国的民族学人类学者积极参与政策研究,以及与国外同行之间的交流。
    这次专题讲座的交流语言为英语,没有进行现场翻译。哈莉森教授演讲之后,有的学者提了一些问题,如人类学知识是否足够回答当代问题?种族(race)同民族(ethnicity )之间有何区别?“种族民族”(racial minorities)同“有色少数民族”(visible minorities )之间有什么异同?以及人类学为本国政府服务时是否毁损坏他国利益?哈莉森教授一一作了详尽的解答,整个讲座的气氛十分认真和严肃。
    受郝时远所长的委托,本次讲座由社会文化人类学研究室主任翁乃群教授主持。与会者有来自社科院民族所的学者有张继焦、刘泓、杜发春、姜德顺、侯红蕊、艾菊红、杨春宇,中央民族大学的张海洋,云南社科院的伍呷,以及中国社会科学院研究生院、中央民族大学和贵州大学的多名研究生参加,共20余位。专题讲座之后,哈莉森教授及其陪同人员到民族所四楼“第 16届国际人类学民族学世界大会学术工作委员会办公室”进行了视察,与在场的工作人员合影留念。
    中午,社科院民族所副所长黄行教授宴请了哈莉森教授,代表郝时远所长欢迎客人来访,宾主就共同关心的话题进行了深入的交流。哈莉森说,美国人类学会2007年会将于2007 年11 月28日至 12月2 日在华盛顿召开,作为本年度的项目执行主席,经与美国人类学会协商,决定在本次年会上组织一个“特别会议”来宣传2008 年昆明国际人类学民族学世界大会,希望国家民委和中国社会科学院组织代表团参加美国人类学年会。
    哈莉森教授于2007年7 月初达到中国,在贵阳和昆明停留了两周,应邀在贵州和云南有关单位做了一些学术讲座,并和那里的同仁就民族学、少数民族、文化遗产旅游业以及女性等方面的研究、课程以及专业兴趣进行了一些讨论。

Professor Faye V. Harrison from IUAES visited CASS

In July 23rd, 2007, Professor Faye V. Harrison from College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, invited by Professor Hao Shiyuan, gave a presentation at IEA, CASS. Professor Harrison is now the chair of Commission on the Anthropology of Women, IUAES.

The topic is “Balancing Theory and Practice: applying anthropology in policy related research”. In her speech, she talked about five trends of applied anthropology, which are social-cultural health, i.e. HIV/AIDS; cultural diversity in education; policy issue, environmental protection for example; impact of information revolution, such as cell phone and marriage on the internet; and globalization’s influence on public policies, kinships and connections with homelands of labor migration for instance. These five trends are also main missions of AAA. Professor Harrison hopes to inspire positive participation of Chinese ethnologists and anthropologists into policy issue and communication with international scholars. The working language of the lecture is English. After the speech, Professor Harrison answered the question from scholars and students, such as are anthropological knowledge enough for answering contemporary questions? What are differences between racial minorities and visible minorities? Will anthropology ruin other countries’ interest while they serve for local government? And contrast and contract between race and ethnicity. Professor Harrison gave detailed explanation to these questions.

The lecture was held by Weng Nanqun. And the participants are Professors Zhang Jijiao, Liu Hong, Hou Hongrui, Ai Juhong, Jiang Deshun, Du Fachun, Yang Chungyu from CASS, Zhang Haiyang from CUN, Wu Ga from Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, and graduate students from CUN, CASS and Guizhou University.

Professor Harrison arrived in China in the early July and spent over two weeks in Kunming and Guiyang. In July 22nd, she arrived in Beijing accompanied by Wuga and two master students from Guizhou University. After the speech, Professor Harrison visited working Office of IUAES2008 Organizing Committee and took pictures with the working staff. Then, they had lunch together and discussed issues on the preparation.

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